Permission Settings
What the Sitegrinder-User wrote:
"Is it possible to change the settings that SG uses for permissions with cms?
Couldn't get the cms working with my hosting, contacted hosting co and they said they didn't allow some of the permissions that SG had set and to try the site settings check. I went through each of the files it said had wrong permissions and set to recommended.
This worked great with my test site. When it came to an actual site I had to go through 9 pages clicking on the menu and selecting the recommended setting.
When I made a small update the site had stopped working again, checked permissions and changed only 3 or 4 this time and back up and working.
Can the settings be set somehow in SG or content manager?"
Sitegrinder-Support answers:
"This file: your-site/sg_cms/permission_levels.php controls that. There is exactly one variable to set there. Did you use SiteGrinder to upload your site? It will calculate the permission levels needed at upload time and adjust that file accordingly. If you didn't use SiteGrinder to upload, then, yes, you might have to set that manually."
Sitegrinder-User answers:
"Yes used SG to upload, so do I just alter true to false to stop all the 777 etc permissions (host does not allow 777)"
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Sitegrinder problem with the permission settings of the server